Fishing Report 6-6-14, Snook & Trout
Friday June 6, 2014 Launched 7:00PM
Weather: Hot 87 deg.
Clear with scattered storms in the distance
wind: SSE winds, 10-12mph +/-
Humidity: 63%
Pressure: 29.9 (steady)
Major feed time: 5:10 PM
Tide: incoming High at 8:30PM
Target Fish: Redfish, Trout Fish
caught: (1) Trout- short, (2) Snook
I have been getting some good reports over at Flagler Beach, Big trout and lots of Redfish. I finally got work squared away enough that I could squeeze an afternoon trip in Friday. The plan was to fish the last hour before dark with some topwater plugs which is my favorite way to fish.
The wind was blowing pretty hard and coming right down the river from the South. We had to fish the tail end of the incoming which is not my preferred tide but we found a little action despite the conditions. There was plenty of finger mullet around also. Bait shrimp are being caught in the area aw well.
We fished a natural creek drain that had a bunch of small drains and forks, etc. tying into it. We picked up one trout, 2 Snook and had one other fish on, that tore off. Had one other fish knock the plug completely out of the water but he somehow managed to elude all three treble hooks.
We were using a 5m18 Mirrolure. Had the tide been right I feel like we would have had some real action. We were at least able to get out of some of the wind and work some of the bugs out of the equipment in preparation for some serious fishing.
Here’s a little video from the trip…….
Larry S.
Fishing Report – Mosquito Lagoon
Friday, Sept. 10, 2010
I directed Len to the “canoe slew“ it’s a sand bottom strip where a guy in the red canoe usually fishes. I pulled up just off the opposite corner of the island tip (“the sink hole”) and cast a jig towards the bank…fish on, lady, 2 nd cast…fish on, 3 rd cast…fish on……..all lady fish. They were thick as flies. Nearly every cast produced a fish but we were not there for lady fish. Our target was bull reds! I moved 150yds east to the sand holes I like to fish. It was pretty slow on the trout and redfish side. Finally, I set the hook on a 27” red and he ended up on the stringer.
Len was on the catfish and ended up catching a dozen or more. He did catch a 17” red at that spot before leaving and moving to my hole as I had left to prowl the flat looking for fish sign. I got into some lady fish back in the n.e. corner of the flat that were a little larger. Picked up one tiny trout. Len came over the radio…fish on! And landed a 21” red. I headed his way to take his picture and then moved back to the “sink hole”. The mullet activity was starting to pick up. I caught a bunch more ladyfish and a small trout. After a bit I saw the line of my free line mullet rod moving off to the left….and put a 17” trout on the stringer. Picked up a few more ladyfish on the jig rod. I was fishing a curly tail, white/silver/silver glitter, tipped with a strip of mullet.

It may be a while before I can get back here with bow season about to start.
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